Robar puede tener consecuencias desagradables. De una manera amable y sorprendente, Gem
Star, la más antigua y sabia de las tritones, muestra cómo respetar la propiedad de otras personas,
inculca integridad a Squall, sus padres, los consejeros e incluso al Rey. Las reglas son
importantes y todo el mundo debe seguirlas. Este libro ayudará a los niños a aprender sobre los
límites y a desarrollar hábitos respetuosos que permanecerán con ellos durante toda su vida.
Descubre lo que sucede cuando Estrella de Gemas trae una ostra mágica a la reunión para ayudar
a Squall a aprender el valor de respetar la propiedad de otras personas
A merboy steals from the king's garden and gets into trouble. In a gentle and surprising way, Gem Star, the oldest and wisest of the Merfolk shows how to respect other people's property, instills integrity to the merboy, his parents, the counselors, and even the King! Rules are important and everyone needs to follow them. This book will help children learn about boundaries and develop respectful habits that will stay with them throughout their lives.
Como el mejor estudiante de su clase, Blade aprende lo que realmente se necesita para ser un guerrero. Desarrollando sus habilidades, llega a comprender las cualidades de un buen líder. El aprende a usar su poder con gracia e inteligencia.
En este libro, su hijo aprenderá lo que significa tener poder y la forma correcta de usarlo. Verán un ejemplo de cómo escuchar a su corazón y confiar en su juicio. Además, aprenderán el valor de las habilidades de liderazgo, comprenderán las cualidades de un buen líder y lo que significa el verdadero poder.
Blade is the top student in his class. As he develops his skills, he learns what true power is and how to use his power with intelligence and graciousness. As children read about Blade and his quest to be a leader, they will understand there is a time to trust in their own judgement. Blade's example will show them the qualities of a good leader and how they can gain the powers to be a true leader.
El joven tritón Hadron busca la aventura y se dispone a encontrarla. Después de que una tormenta lo deja arrastrado por la desolada playa de una isla inhabitable, diseña un plan que le traerá algo más que aventura. Viaja al reino de Baga, donde ve a una princesa sirena, pero solo desde lejos. Un plebeyo no puede acercarse a las sirvientas reales. Su corazón está puesto en ella.
Usando su ingenio, se las arregla para hablar con el rey sobre la isla desolada. El rey se ríe de él, pero le da una tarea imposible para ganar el pedazo de tierra inútil llamado el barro de la medusa. Hadron acepta el desafío y gana la isla. Se proclama a sí mismo el Príncipe de barra de la medusa.
Hadron regresa a la barra de la medusa y trabaja duro para cambiar la isla. Él prepara el lugar para ser un hogar para merfolk y otras criaturas marinas. Cuando la isla está lista, Hadron regresa a Baga donde, como príncipe, puede conocer a las princesas sirenas. . Él ha amado a la princesa Silvermist desde lejos, pero ¿puede ganarse su corazón cuando la conoce?
Esta es la historia de una meta, y cómo, con determinación, trabajo duro e inteligencia, cualquier persona, incluido un tritón, puede alcanzar la grandeza, y tal vez el amor.
Young merman Hadron seeks adventure and sets out to find it. After a storm leaves him washed upon the desolate beach of an uninhabitable island, he devises a plan that will bring him more than just adventure. He travels to the kingdom of Baga where he sees a mermaid princess--but only from afar. A commoner cannot get close to the royal maids. His heart is set on her.Using his wit, he manages to speak to the king about the desolate isle. The king laughs at him but gives him an impossible task to win the useless bit of land called Jellyfish Spit. Hadron takes the challenge and wins the island. He proclaims himself the Prince of Jellyfish Spit. Hadron returns to Jellyfish Spit and works hard to change the island. He prepares the place to be a home for merfolk and other sea creatures. When the island is ready, Hadron returns to Baga where, as a prince, he can meet the mermaid princesses. He has loved Princess Silvermist from afar, but can he win her heart when he meets her?This is a story of a goal, and how, with determination, hard work, and intelligence anyone, including a merman, can achieve greatness-and maybe love.Young merman Hadron seeks adventure and sets out to find it. After a storm leaves him washed upon the desolate beach of an uninhabitable island, he devises a plan that will bring him more than just adventure. He travels to the kingdom of Baga where he sees a mermaid princess--but only from afar. A commoner cannot get close to the royal maids. His heart is set on her.Using his wit, he manages to speak to the king about the desolate isle. The king laughs at him but gives him an impossible task to win the useless bit of land called Jellyfish Spit. Hadron takes the challenge and wins the island. He proclaims himself the Prince of Jellyfish Spit. Hadron returns to Jellyfish Spit and works hard to change the island. He prepares the place to be a home for merfolk and other sea creatures. When the island is ready, Hadron returns to Baga where, as a prince, he can meet the mermaid princesses. He has loved Princess Silvermist from afar, but can he win her heart when he meets her?This is a story of a goal, and how, with determination, hard work, and intelligence anyone, including a merman, can achieve greatness-and maybe love.
Mentiroso! ¡Mentiroso! ¡Cola en llamas! En su colonia grutas, el merboy Savy tiene el aburrido
trabajo de vigilar a los depredadores. Por emoción, anuncia que una barracuda entró en el
estanque. Pero la barracuda resulta ser pequeña. A Savy le encanta ver a los guerreros en acción.
Cada vez que llama a una advertencia sobre depredadores, los guerreros encuentran criaturas
diminutas y no amenazantes. Cuando descubre un Greem-Gita, una temida serpiente de agua,
nadando a través del canal de verdad, sus llamadas son ignoradas. El aburrimiento de Savy se
transforma en miedo. ¿Qué hará? ¿Se convierte en un héroe o enfrenta las consecuencias de sus
Esta es una historia sobre mentir y lo que puede suceder cuando un joven lucha con un hábito de
deshonestidad. Las consecuencias de sus acciones enseñan el valor de decir la verdad.
Leer este libro con su hijo hará que sea fácil iniciar un diálogo sobre ética, moralidad y
decisiones difíciles. Las imágenes divertidas y coloridas pueden ayudar a guiar las elecciones de
comportamiento de su hijo y formar actitudes más positivas.
In his grotto colony, merboy Savy has the boring job of watching for predators. For excitement, Savy announces that a barracuda has entered the pond. Savy loves the see the warriors in action. Each time Savy calls a warning about predators, the warriors only find tiny, non-threatening creatures. Lying has consequences learn what happens next in this story.
Are bedtimes dread-times for your child? Does your child worry about monsters lurking under the bed, in closets, or dark places? If your child fears going to bed, reading this book can help overcome those fears by the images of outrageous, charming monsters hiding in dark places. The creatures and the kids in the story with their comical expressions will amuse your child and help diffuse their fears of scary places. The depiction of unknown beings under the bed and in other places will give your child a laugh and help them understand that a lot of children have the same fears. Let the fun monsters in this book replace the scary ones in your child’s imagination. Give them a chuckle before bedtime.
If We Got to Choose: Picky eaters? Sweets and treats as meals? In delicious rhyme, see what happens when kids select their own food groups. Soup-to-nuts becomes goop-to-guts in this fun, sing-song book that leads your child away from a diet of confections to healthy, nutritious, food choices.
In a fun and easy to read story, your child will learn the dangers of over-eating snack food, candy, ice cream, desserts, chocolate treats and worse. The story leads them to understand the value of nutrition by making healthy food choices to attain balanced diets. Let the beneficial banquet begin!
This entertaining story features the ocean, weather, and environmental events including whales, moray eels, dolphins, manta rays, sun fish, giant clams, mermaids, starfish, coral, plankton luminescence, and Atlantis, giving children a science lesson in a fun story. A young mer-boy named Regus complains about the weather and how King Triton should do a better job. When King Triton gets word that Regus thinks he can run the ocean realm better, the king sends for the mer-boy to take over so the king can have a day off. Regus learns how hard it is to keep the ocean under control and how difficult it becomes to please the creatures who live there.
This entertaining story features the ocean, weather, and environmental events including whales, moray eels, dolphins, manta rays, sun fish, giant clams, mermaids, starfish, coral, plankton luminescence, and Atlantis, giving children a science lesson in a fun story. A young mer-boy named Regus complains about the weather and how King Triton should do a better job. When King Triton gets word that Regus thinks he can run the ocean realm better, the king sends for the mer-boy to take over so the king can have a day off. Regus learns how hard it is to keep the ocean under control and how difficult it becomes to please the creatures who live there.
• Features the plight of abandoned dogs in the United States. The book describes what dangers lurk in the woods for a vulnerable young dog. The puppy encounters bears, birds, coyotes, and a large mountain dog who introduces the puppy to other dangers like cars and poison.
Ace of Hearts: This book was written to educate children and their parents about the importance of pet adoption and the problems that stray animals incur. Inside you will find an adorable puppy with no name. He finds himself in a place that is frightening and dangerous. By a stroke of luck he meets a mountain dog who is strong and understands the way of the forest for survival. The large dog teaches the puppy the ways to overcome the disadvantages of living outdoors. With the big dog, the puppy has adventures and learns valuable lessons like how to avoid poisonous foods and staying away from roads and cars. With each turn of the page, your children's eyes will light up with the colorful illustrations, as the puppy’s quest to survive teaches readers about the plight of unwanted pets.
Your child will learn about some of the animals that live in the woods and the way they survive. The personalities of predators come out when the puppy faces the dangers. He moves through the forest, avoiding dangers in his quest to finding his forever home.
• There are 22 colorful original illustrations that show the puppy’s unique journey.
• Characters in the book: The mother dog, the mean farmer, the puppy’s brother, a mother bear and her cub, Cane the mountain dog, the two coyotes, a biker at a mountain fair, the couple who adopt the puppy, and the two female dogs who help the puppy adjust to his new life as a wanted, loved and named pet.
SHARKS. HUMANS. FISHERMEN. BETRAYAL… All is not well in the Merfolk world. Skipping lessons at Mer-School could mean the difference between survival and death! Only the most virtuous, intelligent, and bold will succeed in these dangerous waters. Join Mother Mermaid as she relates these cautionary Merfolk tales to her children at bedtime.
TRUE LOVE. DISGUISES. REVENGE… Courtship has never been so tricky. Neighbors collide over differing standards of beauty. Princesses from all over the realm must figure out what’s real and what’s only fin-deep. How can anyone find a soulmate in these circumstances? Join Mother Mermaid as she relates these romantic Merfolk tales to her children at bedtime.
FIND A MERMAID, GET A WISH. MAYBE. Some humans fall in love. Others are cursed forever. Some will risk everything to discover where golden treasure lies, deep on the ocean floor. What happens when humans interact with Merfolk culture? Join Mother Mermaid as she relates these Merfolk tales to her children at bedtime.